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Wednesday 14th April 2021, 14:50 – 15:45 CEST (55 minutes)
Daphne, a pen too sharp
On 16th October 2017, Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was assassinated in a car bomb attack close to her home. Her career focused on investigative reporting into government corruption and money laundering, and all of her findings were published on her
personal blog. A team of 45 international journalists led by Forbidden Stories joined forces as part of the Daphne Project to continue the investigations of the Maltese journalist and seek the truth about her murder. This investigation is shortlisted for the #IJ4EU Impact Award.

Jules Giraudat (former editor-chief of Forbidden Stories, co-ordinator of The Daphne Project, and co-director of Daphne, a pen too sharp)

Juliette Garside (Investigations Correspondent for The Guardian and original member of The Daphne Project)