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Wednesday 14th April 2021, 17:00 – 17:30 CEST (30 minutes)
Invisible Workers: underpaid, exploited and put at risk on Europe’s farms
The EU’s common agricultural policy was set up to safeguard the continent’s food supplies and – for 60 years – its top priority has been to “support farmers and improve productivity”, while the rights of those they employ were largely overlooked. Until COVID-19 brought these invisible workers to the spotlight.
Invisible Workers is an #IJ4EU Impact Award shortlisted investigation into the harsh reality seasonal and migrant workers face across Europe to bring food to our plates. Led by Lighthouse Reports, it features Euronews, Der Spiegel, Mediapart, the Guardian, Follow the Money and IRPI.

Anelise Borges (Euronews reporter and researcher, writer, producer, and cameraperson for Invisible Workers)

Daniel Howden (Director, Lighthouse Reports, and Editorial Lead of the wider Invisible Workers investigation)