Stanislau Ivashkevich

Stanislau Ivashkevich is the founder of Belarusian Investigative Center (registered in Czech Republic), producing over a dozen of investigations of corruption per year. Stanislau Ivashkevich received national Free Word awards for a journalistic investigation in 2018, 2019 and 2020 (annual competition held by Belarusian Association of Journalists) and Show of the Year award (2019) from… Continue reading Stanislau Ivashkevich

Tina Xu

Tina Xu is a journalist based in Berlin creating in-depth immersive multimedia experiences. In 2023, she coordinated a cross-border investigative team of ten journalists reporting in eight countries for a VR interactive on the proliferation of unmarked graves of people who lose their lives trying to come to Europe. She has been nominated for the… Continue reading Tina Xu

Benjamin Hindrichs

Benjamin Hindrichs is an award-winning freelance journalist from Germany. His coverage focuses mostly on the global far-right, migration, sexual violence, and human rights. He currently lives in Barcelona. Twitter: @BHindrichs

Elena Ledda

Elena Ledda is an independent journalist from Sardinia who practises constructive and solutions-focused, narrative, long-form, and slow journalism from a feminist perspective around human rights related issues. Ledda is a professor of Social issues journalism and Ethics from an intersectional perspective at the BCN_NY Master Degree in Journalism (collaboration between Universitat de Barcelona and Columbia… Continue reading Elena Ledda

Marcus Pfeil

Marcus Pfeil is the CEO of Vertical52 GmbH in Berlin – the first news agency from space. Together with his co-founder Michael Anthony, he is developing a platform for searching, analysing and visualising satellite and radar data. In this way, they provide journalists, publishers and broadcasters with convenient access to space. They are also building… Continue reading Marcus Pfeil

Lutz Kinkel

Lutz Kinkel represents and manages the ECPMF. Lutz worked in the German press for more than twenty years, giving special focus to the areas of politics and media. He was an editor at Spiegel-Online and and more recently head of the stern-online office in Berlin. He did his master’s degree at Hamburg University in… Continue reading Lutz Kinkel

Timothy Large

Timothy Large is Director of Independent Media Programmes at International Press Institute. He is an award-winning journalist, editor and media development specialist who runs the IJ4EU programme for IPI, which leads the IJ4EU consortium. Before joining IPI in 2020, he was Founding Editor of the Reporting Democracy cross-border journalism platform and Editor of the Fellowship… Continue reading Timothy Large

Flutura Kusari

Flutura Kusari leads the legal support programme and advocates with international organisations to improve legislation to defend freedom of expression. In addition, she advises journalists on pre- and post-publication legal matters such as defamation, access to information, contempt of court, and privacy. Kusari previously worked for various civil society organisations including the Balkan Investigative Reporting… Continue reading Flutura Kusari

Zlatina Siderova

Zlatina Siderova works as Programme Lead Grants at the European Journalism Centre (EJC). She joined EJC in 2018 and has fourteen years of project management and consulting experience in the public, private, and NGO sectors, including programmes implemented with the financial support of the EU.

Andreas Lamm

Andreas Lamm is part of the management team and responsible for project development and organisational tasks. He advocates for the mission and values of ECPMF amongst partners and external organisations. As art director, he supports external communication with strong visuals to strengthen the voice of ECPMF and is responsible for all visual and graphic content… Continue reading Andreas Lamm